- Espírito
Santo,J., Kesner, D., Peyrot, L., A Faithful and Quantitative
Notion of Distant Reduction for the Lambda-Calculus with Generalized Applications,
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 20(3), 2024
- Espírito
Santo, J., Sousa, A. C., Partial Proof Terms in the Study of
Idealized Proof Search, Proc. of the 17th International
Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, vol. 14960, pp 279--297, Springer, 2024
- Espírito
Santo, J., Mendes, F., The essence of call-by-name CPS translations,
Proc. of the 26th International Symposium on Principles and
Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP), 11:1--11:12, ACM, 2024
- Espírito
Santo, J., Frade, M. J., Pinto, L., Variations and interpretations
of naturality in call-by-name lambda-calculi with generalized applications,
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 131:100830, 2023
- Espírito
Santo, J., Mendes, F., The logical essence of compiling with continuations,
Proc. of 8th International Conference on Formal Structures
for Computation and Deduction (FSCD), LIPIcs, vol. 260, 19:1 – 19:21, Schloss
Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2023
- Espírito Santo, J., Pinto, L.,
Uustalu, T., Plotkin’s call-by-value λ-calculus as a modal calculus, Journal of Logical and
Algebraic Methods in Programming, 127:100775, 2022
- Espírito
Santo,J., Kesner, D., Peyrot, L., A Faithful and Quantitative
Notion of Distant Reduction for Generalized Applications, Proc. 25th
International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and
Computation Structures (FoSSaCS), Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, vol. 13242, pp 285-304, Springer, 2022
- Espírito
Santo, J., Matthes, R., Pinto, L, A coinductive
approach to proof search through typed lambda calculi, Annals of
Pure and Applied Logic, 172(10):103206, 2021
- Espírito
Santo, J., Ferreira, G., The Russell-Prawitz
embedding and the atomization of universal instantiation, Logical
Journal of the IGPL, 29(5):823-858, 2021
- Espírito Santo, J., Ferreira,
G., A
Refined Interpretation of Intuitionistic Logic by Means of Atomic
Studia Logica, 108(3), 477 – 507, 2020.
- Espírito
Santo, J., The call-by-value lambda-calculus with generalized applications.
28th Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL) Barcelona, Spain, January
13-16, 2020. Dagstuhl - LIPIcs, 152 35:1-35:12,
- Espírito
Santo, J., Matthes, R., Pinto, L, Coinductive
Proof Search for Polarized Logic with Applications to Full Intuitionistic Propositional
Logic, Proc. of the 26th International Conference on
Types for Proof and Programs (TYPES), LIPIcs, vol 188, 4:1—4:24, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik,
- Espírito Santo, J., Matthes, R.,
Pinto, L, Decidability of several concepts of finiteness for simple types,
Fundamenta Informaticae, 170(1-3) (2019)
- Espírito
Santo, J., Matthes, R., Pinto, L., Inhabitation
in simply-typed lambda-calculus through a
lambda-calculus for proof search, Mathematical Structures
in Computer Science, 29(8) (2019) 1092-1124. (subsumes arXiv
paper with same title)
- Espírito
Santo, J., Pinto, L., Uustalu, T., Modal embeddings and calling paradigms.
4th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and
Deduction (FSCD 2019)., Dortmund, Germany, June,
24-30, 2019. Schloss Dagstuhl, LIPIcs 131
18:1–18:20, 2019.
- Peter
Dybjer, José Espírito Santo, Luís Pinto (eds.), Post Proceedings of
the 24th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES
2018, June 18-21, 2018, Braga, Portugal, LIPIcs, volume 130, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik,
2019 URL
- Espírito
Santo, J., Frade, M.J., Pinto, L., Permutability
in proof terms for intuitionistic sequent calculus with cuts.
Post-proceedings of Int. Conf. TYPES 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia, May, 23-26, 2016. LIPIcs, Schloss Dagstuhl
- Leibniz-Zentrum fuer
Informatik, 97, 2018.
- Espírito Santo, J., The polarized
lambda-calculus, Electronic
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 332 (2017), 149-168
- Espírito
Santo, J., Ghilezan S., Characterization of strong
normalizability for a sequent lambda calculus with co-control, Proccedings of the 19th International Symposium on
Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, ACM (2017), 163-174
- J. Espírito Santo, R. Matthes, L. Pinto, Inhabitation
in simply-typed lambda-calculus through a
lambda-calculus for proof search, arXiv:1604.02086,
- J. Espírito Santo, R. Matthes, L.
Pinto, A Coinductive Approach to Proof Search through Typed
Lambda-Calculi, arXiv:1602.04382, 2016
- J. Espírito Santo, A
note on strong normalization in classical natural deduction,
Proceedings Sixth International Workshop on Classical Logic and
Computation, CL&C 2016, EPTCS, vol. 213, pp. 41--51, 2016, url
- J. Espírito Santo, Curry-Howard
for sequent calculus at last!, Proceedings of 13th
International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications
(TLCA’15), vol. 38 of LIPIcs, Schloss Dagstuhl
- Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik,
- J. Espírito Santo, K. Nakazawa,
R. Matthes, L. Pinto, Confluence for classical logic through
the distinction between values and computations, Fifth
International Workshop on Classical Logic and Computation (CL&C 2014),
EPTCS vol. 164, pp. 63-77, 2014, pdf file
- J. Espírito Santo, R. Matthes,
L. Pinto, A coinductive approach to proof search,
Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science FICS 2013, EPTCS vol.
126, pp. 28-43, 2013, pdf
- J. Espírito Santo, K. Nakazawa,
R. Matthes, L. Pinto, Monadic translation of classical
sequent calculus, Mathematical
Structures in Computer Science, 23(6): 1111-1162, 2013, © Cambridge
University Press, pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, Towards a canonical classical natural
deduction system, Annals of
Pure and Applied Logic, published online in 9 July 2012, pdf file [Subsumes CSL 2010
paper with the same title]
- J. Espírito Santo, Turing e a normalização, Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de
Matemática, 67: 79-96, 2012, pdf file [In Portuguese]
- J.
Espírito Santo, J. Ivetic, S. Likavec, Characterising
strongly normalising intuitionistic sequent
terms, Fundamenta Informaticae,
121(1-4): 83-120, 2012 [Subsumes “Characterising strongly normalising
intuitionistic sequent terms” (TYPES’07) and “Intersection type assignment systems for
intuitionistic sequent calculus” (ITRS’08)]
- J. Espírito Santo, A
note on preservation of strong normalisation in the lambda-calculus,
Theoretical Computer Science
412(11): 1027-1032, 2011 [Journal version of “Addenda to ‘Delayed
Substitutions’”, 2008]
- J.
Espírito Santo, L. Pinto, A calculus of multiary
sequent terms, ACM
Transactions on Computational Logic12(3):22, 2011 [Subsumes “Permutative conversions in intuitionistic multiary sequent calculus with cuts’’ (TLCA 2003)]
- J.
Espírito Santo, Towards a canonical classical natural
deduction system, in A. Dawar, H. Veith (Eds.), 19th
EACSL International Conference Computer Science Logic (CSL 2010), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2010, [Old version circulated with
title “A lambda-mu calculus with
let-expressions”], pdf
- J.
Espírito Santo, L. Pinto, R. Matthes, Monadic translation of intuitionistic
sequent calculus, in S. Berardi, F. Damiani, U. de'Liguoro (Eds.), Types for Proofs and Programs,
International Conference, TYPES 2008, Torino, Italy, March 2008, Revised
Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 5497, pp.
100-116, Springer, 2009, pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, R. Matthes, L. Pinto, Continuation-passing-style and
strong normalization for intuitionistic sequent calculi, Logical
Methods in Computer Science 5(2:11), 2009 [Expanded and updated
version of TLCA 2007 paper] , pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, The lambda-calculus and the unity of structural
proof theory, Theory of Computing Systems, 45:963-994, 2009 [Subsumes
“Refocusing generalised normalisation”(CiE 2007) and “Completing Herbelin’s programme” (TLCA 2007)] , pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, Addenda to “Delayed Substitutions”,
Manuscript, July 2008, pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, J. Ivetic, S. Likavec, Intersection
type assignment systems for intuitionistic sequent calculus, 4th
Workshop on Intersection Types and Related Systems (ITRS’08), Turin ,
Italy, 25 March 2008, pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, S. Ghilezan, J. Ivetic, Characterising
strongly normalising intuitionistic sequent
terms, M. Miculan, I. Scagnetto, F. Honsell
(eds.), Revised selected papers from the International Workshop TYPES
2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4941, pp. 85-99, Springer,
2008, pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, R. Matthes, L. Pinto, Continuation-passing-style and
strong normalization for intuitionistic sequent calculi, S. Ronchi
Della Rocca (ed.), Proceedings of 6th International Conference
on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA 2007), Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, volume 4583, pp. 133-147, Springer, 2007, pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, Completing Herbelin’s programme,
in S. Ronchi Della Rocca (ed.), Proceedings of 6th
International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA
2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4583, pp. 118-132,
Springer, 2007, pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, Delayed substitutions, in Franz Baader
(ed.), Proceedings of 18th International Conference on
Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA 2007), Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, volume 4533, pp. 169-183, Springer, 2007, pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, Refocusing generalised normalisation, in S. Barry Cooper, Benedikt
Loewe, Andrea Sorbi (eds.), Computation and Logic in the Real
World, Third Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE 2007), Siena, Italy, June 2007, Proceedings,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4497, pp. 258-267, Springer
2007, pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, M. J. Frade, L. Pinto, Structural proof theory as
rewriting, in Proceedings of 17th International
Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA 2006), LNCS vol.
4098, Springer 2006, pdf file
- J.
Espírito Santo, Unity in structural proof theory and structural
extensions of the λ-calculus, Manuscript, July 2005, ps file
- J.
Espírito Santo, L. Pinto, Confluence and strong normalization of the
generalised multiary
lambda-calculus, in Stefano Berardi, Mario Coppo, Ferruccio
Damiani (eds.), Revised selected papers from the International Workshop
TYPES 2003, Torino, Italy, April 30 – May 4 2003, LNCS vol. 3085, Springer
2004, ps file
- J.
Espírito Santo, L. Pinto, Permutative
conversions in intuitionistic multiary sequent
calculus with cuts, in M. Hoffman (ed.), Proceedings of 6th
International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA
2003), LNCS vol. 2701, Springer, 2003, ps file
- J.
Espírito Santo, An isomorphism between a fragment of sequent
calculus and an extension of natural deduction, in M. Baaz, A. Voronkov (eds.), Proceedings of 9th
International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial
Intelligence, and Reasoning (LPAR 2002), Tbilisi, Georgia, October 2002,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2514, Springer 2002, ps file
- J.
Espírito Santo, Conservative extensions of the lambda-calculus for
the computational interpretation of sequent calculus, Ph.D.
thesis, Edinburgh 2002, available here
as a technical report of LFCS, University of Edinburgh
- J.
Espírito Santo, Revisiting the correspondence between
cut-elimination and normalization, in Ugo Montanari, Jose D.P.
Rolim, Emo Welzl (eds.), Proceedings of 27th International
Colloquium Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2000), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1853, Springer 2000, ps file
- J. Espírito Santo, Chu e Galois: Polaridade, Conexão, Adjunção, MSc Thesis, Instituto
Superior Técnico, Lisbon, April
1997 (in portuguese)