
Final Programe available [here].

Programe and Book of abstracts available [here].

We are delighted to share the draft programme for the conference. Please note that this programme is still tentative and subject to changes. You can access the draft programme by clicking [here].

Additionally, for those interested in the allocation of invited sessions, the tentative allocation document is available [here].

Detailed invited sessions, with full list of invited speakers and titles are available [here].

Organized contributed sessions, with slots (scheduling) are available [here].

List of poster contributions, with title and presenting author are available [here].

Confirmed Invited Speakers

- Irène Gijbels (KU Leuven)

- Jane-Ling Wang (University of Caifornia, Davis)

- Sílvia Gonçalves (McGill University)

- Peter Bühlmann (ETH Zürich)

- Peter Mueller (University of Texas at Austin)

- Wenceslao González-Manteiga (University of Santiago de Compostela)

- Andrew Barron (Yale University)

Confirmed Invited Sessions

Organizer - Title of the invited session
Rubén Fernández-Casal - Nonparametric spatial statistics
Karim Chalak - Identification and inference in semi- and non-parametric econometric models
Olga Klopp - Advancements in semiparametric and large-scale inference
Zhou Fan - Nonparametric estimation in high dimensions
Anderson Ye Zhang - Network analysis and cluster analysis
Pragya Sur - Modern advances at the interface of statistical learning and inference
Sophie Langer - Statistics in the AI era: different perspectives
Valentin Patilea - Adaptive functional data analysis
Juan Carlos Escanciano - Recent advances in semiparametric and nonparametric econometrics
Regina Liu - Advanced inference of complex data
Geurt Jongbloed - Shape constrained statistical inference
Layla Parast - Nonparametric methods to take advantage of auxiliary data in health settings
Li Hsu - Causal inference in medical and public health studies
Daniel Nevo - Causal inference for studying vaccine effects
Mats Stensrud - Nonparametric causal inference
Somnath Datta - Current topics in biostatistics - nonparametric approaches
Maria Dolores Martinez-Miranda - Structured nonparametric models
Stefan Sperlich - Statistics for a wise use of machine learning
Surya Tokdar - Bayesian sparse learning in high-dimensional problems
Ismaël Castillo - Bayesian nonparametrics for high-dimensional and complex models
Jere Koskela - Nonparametric methods in genetics and neuroscience
Beatrice Franzolini - Random partitions and Bayesian dependent clustering
Yongdai Kim - Statistics for AI
Etienne Roquain - Conformal and simultaneous inference
Abdelaati Daouia - Extrapolation methods for extreme values
Juan Carlos Pardo-Fernández - Model specification and goodness-of-fit problems
Paul Eilers - New approaches to (optimal) P-spline modelling
Beatriz Pateiro-López - Statistical methods for geometric inference and set estimation
Alexander Aue - Recent advances in time series and functional data analysis
Dimitris Politis - Computer-intensive methods for complex data
Jens-Peter Kreiss & Efstathios Paparoditis - Statistics for dependent data
Laura M. Sangalli - Regularized nonparametric regression for spatial and functional data
Omiros Papaspiliopoulos - Large scale semi-parametric inference
Ricardo Cao - Recent advances in cure models
Jeffrey Racine - Topics in Econometrics: Big Data, Panel Estimation, and Forecasted Treatment Effects
Sana Louhichi & Didier A. Girard - Nonparametric smoothing and regression for correlated observations
Michelle Carey - Advances in functional data analysis
Thomas Verdebout - Advances in directional statistics
Patrice Bertail - Statistics for non-stationary processes
Anna Dudek - Nonstationary processes: theory and applications
Soumendra Lahiri - Statistics for spatial and network data
Antonio Lijoi - Theory and methods in Bayesian nonparametrics: recent advances
Steve Marron - Object Oriented Data Analysis: Trees and Graphs
George Michailidis - Recent advances in spatiotemporal data
Ursula Mueller - High-dimensional regression
Marianna Pensky - Advances in random networks
Ingrid Van Keilegom - Recent advances in non-and semiparametric models in survival analysis
Ronghui Xu - Assumption lean, orthogonal learning and other nonparametrics for health data
Moulinath Banerjee - Network models and optimal prediction
Hira Koul & Indeewara Perera - Topics in nonparametric and semiparametric econometrics
Giovanni Motta - Recent advances in multivariate time series analysis
Genaro Sucarrat - Advances in financial econometrics
Byeong Park - Nonparametric methods for complex data
Wen Zhou - Semi- and non-parametric approaches for inference on high dimensional data
Aurore Delaigle - Analysis of curves
Ramses Mena - Bayesian nonparametrics for complex data
Sonali Das - Nonparametric statistics: methods and applications
Graciela Boente - Recent advances in depth and robust statistics
Malka Gorfine - Cutting-edge machine learning for complex biomedical data
Jacobo de Uña-Álvarez - Estimation and testing problems with survival data