ISNPS 2024 Conference Dinner Information

We are delighted to announce that the conference dinner for ISNPS 2024 will take place on June 27th (8 pm) at the exquisite Migaitas Forum restaurant.
Participants and accompanying persons who wish to register for the conference dinner must do so through the EasyConferences registration platform. Registration deadline: June 25 before 12:30 hs. To ensure a smooth and sustainable event, we kindly request all participants to confirm their attendance at the conference dinner during the check-in process. This will allow us to provide accurate numbers to the restaurant and help minimize food waste.


Migaitas Forum - Visit their website

Confirmation Required:
To ensure a smooth and sustainable event, we kindly request all participants to confirm their attendance at the conference dinner during the check-in process. This will allow us to provide accurate numbers to the restaurant and help minimize food waste.

Dietary Options:
Vegetarian options will be available. Please inform us of any dietary requirements or preferences at the time of check-in.


Four excursions (with no registration fee) are offered by the organisation on June 27, from 17:00 to 19:00.
We kindly request all participants to confirm their choice for the excursion during the check-in process.

Tour 1 - Walking tour in the city

EN - Braga is a charming city with a rich religious heritage. Also known as the city of archbishops and once named by the Romans Bracara Augusta, the capital of Minho has much to offer. To start with we should mention its emblematic gardens, churches and chapels, the legacy of the architect André Soares - an icon of the Portuguese Baroque style - as well as the massive archaeological heritage we can find in every corner of the city. Braga has not forgotten its medieval past, which is a prominent feature in the cathedral and more central streets and alleys, but Braga also looks to the future in its modern architecture.

Schedule: 5pm to 7pm
Duration: 2h
Language: English

Pick-up and drop-off : Tourism Office
Includes: Guide English and audio guides

Tour 2 - Treasure-Museum of the Cathedral of Braga

EN - The Braga Cathedral Treasury-Museum is located in the historic centre of the city of Braga. It is part of the monumental complex of Braga Cathedral, more specifically, in the former Chapter House, a building from the 18th century. Its collection consists of priceless pieces of sacred art, collected over a thousand years of Christian life driven by the Cathedral.

Visit to the Treasure-Museum of the Cathedral of Braga in 10 reference works:

Roman-Christian tomb, 5th-6th century, (room 7)
Ivory chest, 11th century, (room 14)
Chalice and Paten of St. Gerald, 10th-11th century (room 9)
Cross of Crosier, 12th-13th century (room 14)
Mitre and Pontifical Gloves of D. Gonçalo Pereira, 14th century, (room 10)
Cross of Brazil, 16th century (room 10)
Chalice of D. Diogo de Sousa, 1509 (room 10)
Our Lady of Milk, ca 1515 (room 2)
Organ of D. Luís de Sousa, 1685 (room 10)
Liturgical Shoes of D. Rodrigo de Moura Teles, 18th century, (room 11)

Schedule: 05:00pm
Duration: 2h
Language: English

Pick-up and drop-off : Tourism Office
Includes: Guide in English, audio guide and visit to the Treasure-Museum of the Cathedral of Braga

Tour 3 - Three Chapels and High Choir

EN - Chapel of the Kings - In Gothic style, it was founded in the 14th century by Archbishop D. Lourenço Vicente (1374-1397), who dedicated it to the Virgin Mary in the mystery of the Annunciation and the Assumption and to the martyrs St. Lourenço and St. Vincent. When the tomb was opened in 1663, his body was found incorrupt. Today it rests in a tomb chest built during the works at the end of the 20th century.
The tombs of Counts D. Henrique and D. Teresa, parents of the first king of Portugal - D. Afonso Henriques (1109-1185), are those that, in the 16th century, D. Diogo de Sousa ordered to be built and placed in the Main Chapel. Following several renovations to the Braga Cathedral, the chests were transferred here at the end of the 19th century and placed in the two arches on the side wall of this chapel.

Chapel of S. Geraldo - The Chapel of S. Geraldo was built in the 12th century as the funerary chapel of the Archbishop who gave it its name. After successive interventions, its interior was completely rebuilt in the 18th century by Archbishop D. Rodrigo de Moura Teles.
The beautiful gilded altarpiece, recently restored, has the recumbent figure of S. Geraldo in the centre. The walls are decorated with tiles attributed to António de Oliveira Bernardes and depict scenes from the life of S. Geraldo, as are the oil paintings placed above them.

The Chapel of Glory - The Chapel of Glory was built by Archbishop D. Gonçalo Pereira (1326 to 1348). It is a Gothic building from the 14th century. In the magnificent tomb with a recumbent statue - a notable piece of Portuguese medieval tombstone - lies D. Gonçalo Pereira. The tomb was commissioned by the Archbishop to the masters Pêro, from Coimbra, and Telo Garcia, from Lisbon. It was made of Ançã stone; the ark rests on lions and is decorated, on the right side, by a group of twelve clergymen and, on the left, by the twelve apostles.
The head of the ark is filled with the Crucified Christ flanked by his Mother and St. John. At the opposite top is the image of the Virgin with the Child on her lap. The walls are decorated with geometric motifs reminiscent of Arabic art. In the middle of the wall, on the right-hand side, is the coat of arms of D. Gonçalo Pereira and, on the left, that of D. Afonso IV.

High Choir - At the end of the 1730s, the Capitulars of Braga, during a period of vacancy, decided to replace the old choir stalls in the Cathedral's upper choir. Miguel Francisco da Silva, an architect and woodcarver who had settled in Porto in the late 1720s, was called in to build it.
The stalls consist of two levels of seats and a cathedra for the archbishop, topped by an interesting clock carved by the same artist in 1737. It is made of rosewood, from which the gilded carving ornaments stand out. The centre of the choir is occupied by a majestic choir stall, executed in accordance with the rest of the decorative programme of the upper choir: that of the Joanine Baroque.

Plus Organs - The monumental organs of Braga Cathedral are musical instruments renowned for their liturgical, historical and artistic interest. Included in the technical designation of Iberian organs, they are installed on two balconies above the central nave and form a magnificent Baroque ensemble with a profusion of sculptural ornaments.
The execution of the organ cases (1737-1739) was entrusted to Frei Simão Fontana and their decoration was carried out by the Braga woodcarver Marceliano de Araújo.

Schedule: 05:00pm
Duration: 2h
Language: English

Pick-up and drop-off : Tourism Office
Includes: Guide in English, audio guide and visit to the 3 chapels and the high choir

Tour 4 - Walking tour in the city

ES - Braga es una ciudad encantadora con un rico patrimonio religioso. También conocida como la ciudad de los arzobispos y bautizada por los romanos como Bracara Augusta, la capital del Miño tiene mucho que ofrecer. Para empezar, hay que mencionar sus emblemáticos jardines, iglesias y capillas, legado del arquitecto André Soares - un ícono del barroco portugués - así como el inmenso patrimonio arqueológico que podemos encontrar en cada rincón de la ciudad. Braga no ha olvidado su pasado medieval, del que se hace eco su catedral y sus calles y callejones más céntricos, pero Braga también mira al futuro en su arquitectura moderna

Schedule: 5pm to 7pm
Duration: 2h
Language: Spanish

Pick-up and drop-off : Tourism Office
Includes: Guide Spanish