pedro patricio
departamento de matematica
universidade do minho
4710-057 braga, portugal
email: pedro(AT)math(DOT)uminho(DOT)pt
tel: +351.
fax: +351.

[ scientific interests/teaching ] [ publications ] [ research colaboration ] [ math stuff ] [ non-math stuff ] [ linux links ] [ blog ]


my scientific interests are in the area of generalized inverses, thru an algebraic approach. this includes g.i. of matrices over rings, partial orderings, g.i. on rings and semigroups...
i did my PhD under supervision of Roland Puystjens, from the RUG, Gent, Belgium. until he retired, we continued to do some joint work. part of this work was jointly with R.E. Hartwig, from NCSU, USA, with whom i have been working. more recently, two colleagues from my department started to be interested on generalized inverses, and eventually we submitted and got our papers accepted. one of these results led to recent research collaboration with nieves castro-gonzalez. in the meanwhile, among the several courses i taught, some caught my real interest either by the way they were taught, or by the course itself. these, occasionally, led to some course notes. other math interests include algebraic coding theory (block codes and convolutional codes) and cryptography.

SOME courses i taught RECENTLY (and enjoyed)
  1. teoria de codigos - coding theory (with mupad) (2005/06)
  2. matematica discreta - discrete mathematics (2005/06)
  3. algebra linear (para engenheiros) - linear algebra (with octave) (2008/09)
  4. teoria de numeros computacional - computational number theory (with pari/gp) (2006/07, 2008/09)

Make the Move!
From Windows to Linux

list of publications

research colaboration:

member of the centro de matematica - cmat, SPM and ILAS

math stuff:

my Erdos numer is 4.
the Erdos number of a person is the length of a shortest chain of joint mathematical publications leading to the famous mathematician Paul Erdos (see all about that here). My chain:

(Erdos, Rodl),   (Rodl, Muller),   (Muller, Koliha),   (Koliha,Patricio)

P. Erdos and V. Rodl, Coverings of r-graphs by complete r-partite subgraphs, Random Structures Algorithms 6 (1995), 2-3.

V. Muller and V. Rodl, Monotone paths in ordered graphs, Combinatorica 2 (1982), 193-201.

J. J. Koliha, M. Mbekhta, V. Muller and P. W. Poon, Corigendum and addendum: "On the axiomatic theory of the spectrum II", Studia Mathematica 130 (1998), 193-198.

another path (from the mathscinet):
Pedro Patricio coauthored with Robert E. Hartwig MR2134973 (2006b:15007)
Robert E. Hartwig coauthored with Frank J. Hall MR0404288 (53 #8090)
Frank J. Hall coauthored with Guantao Chen MR1821633 (2001m:05121)
Guantao Chen coauthored with Paul Erdos MR1215330 (94a:05148)

Referee for several scientific journals, including ELA-Electronic Linear Algebra, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Journal of Algebra and Applications, Applied Mathematics Letters, Applied Math and Computation, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, and Linear Algebra and Its Applications.

Reviewer for MathSciNet.

non-math stuff:

i am interested by everything concerning hi-fi, but i am far from being an audiophile. in any case, i have as an universal digital source a denon 2900 (super-audio CD, DVD-audio) and a denon 3803 as a receiver.
visonik was the choice for loudspeakers: two pairs of evolution 6 for front+surround and one evolution center as central channel. interconnects include nordost, qed and profigold.
an important source of reviews and news is the home cinema choice site, with lots of tests and comparisons. discussion foruns i try to follow include dvdmania, forum hi-fi, avforum, avforums. PT source of news and reviews: hificlube

NOTICE: this is quite old; i'll update it whenever i find the time and mood :-)
i have been using linux since 2000. i have used mandrake (now mandriva) and suse (which i really recommed, namely the 10.0). at home i have and old compaq armada E700 laptop (more like a brick, nowadays), with a pentium II @ astonishing ;-) 400MHz, together with 128Mb ram and 20G hard drive. it drags quite a bit, and some patience is required. it is running mepis, a former debian based distro, and since 2006 a ubuntu based distro (screenshot here). at my office, i was fortunate enough to receive a 3.0GHz dual core pentium, with 512Mb ram. after using mepis, i experienced and was delighted to use kororaa, a gentoo based distro, with XGL support (see screenshots here and here). i have, in october '06, upgraded to Kororaa AIGLXgl (v 0.3), running on AIXGL (screenshot here and here). in the labs i use fedora-core, and centOS in our server (where this page is).
preferred software: the firefox family, kile+latex, octave/pari-gp/mupad, emacs, vi ;-) and kwrite, gimp (!), openoffice for received (M$)office documents.
info on this subject can be found at /., and it's portuguese version gildot. i also check for news and discussions in the spanish barrapunto and in the brazilian vivaolinux. i keep track on the distro's update by checking (RSS feeds!!!), and