
Registration with submission of a talk:

November 25


December 14




The Second Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions aims to present recent advances in the research on quaternions and octonions gathering scientists working in pure as well as applied mathematics, scientific computation and applications in physics, engineering and other applied sciences.
This workshop represents an opportunity to discuss recent developments in the field of quaternions and octonions, may they be theoretical, computational or real-world applications.

The workshop will take place at University of Minho, December 16-17, and will count with several invited lectures and short communications.

Invited speakers

Mouse pointer over speaker name shows title talk and abstract.

  • Lidia Aceto

    University of Pisa, Italy
  • João Morais

    ITAM - Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology, Mexico
  • Ricardo Severino

    University of Minho, Portugal
  • Swanhild Bernstein

    Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany


The meeting is jointly organized by the Center for Research & Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA) of University of Aveiro and the Centre of Mathematics (CMAT) of University of Minho.


First edition