Salvatore Cosentino

/maths links (e-Print archive in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Quantitative Biology)

mp_arc (Mathematical Physics preprint archive)

zbMATH Open (the first resource for Mathematics)

MathSciNet (Mathematical Reviews on the Web)

Scholarpedia (free peer reviewed encyclopedia)

MathOverflow (question and answer site for professional mathematicians)

RepositóriUM (Repository of the Universidade do Minho)

Numdam (Recherche et téléchargement d'archives de revues mathématiques numérisées)

GDZ (Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum)

Dimensions (Une promenade mathématique...)

Chaos (Une adventure mathématique...)

TED Ed (Lessons Worth Sharing)

Chaos book (Chaos, classical and quantum)

Imaginary (open mathematics)

Mathematical Imagery (by Jos Leys)

Mathina (An interactive storybook between mathematics and fantasy)

edX (Online Education)

OEIS (The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences) (a page of Oliver Knill)

Quantum Calculus (a page of Oliver Knill)

number theory and physics archive (a page of Matthew R. Watkins)

Handbook of K-theory

The Geometry Center (University of Minnesota)

Arte e Matemática (Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto)

Atractor (Matemática interactiva)

Visual Insight (Mathematics Made Visible)

Geometry and the imagination (by Danny Calegari)

What's new (by Terence Tao)

MathJax (Beautiful math in all browsers)

Mappa dei matematici italiani all'estero (U.M.I.)

M.C. Escher

... and the Mathematics Genealogy Project   MGP

/physics links


Constructor Theory

ADS (The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System)

Carlo Rovelli

Nima Harkani-Hamed

Improbable research (research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK)