Dynamics & Applications
in honour of Mauricio Peixoto and David Rand

September 8-12, 2008
Universidade do Minho, Braga, PORTUGAL


About: a conference on dynamical systems and its applications to biology, economy, industry, physics, psicology, robotics.

We have the pleasure to announce that the Journal of Difference Equations and Applications is dedicating two special issues to the Conference DYNA2008 in honour of Mauricio Peixoto and David Rand.

We, also, have the pleasure to announce that there will be a Springer Proceeding, with editors Mauricio Peixoto, Alberto Pinto, David Rand.

Please, make SURE that you do NOT submit the same paper for the special issues and to the Springer Proceedings.

Date: September 8-12, 2008.

Local: Edifício dos Congregados, Avenida Central, Braga, Portugal.

Contacts: dynappl2008@math.uminho.pt or the local organizers.

Financial Support: CMAT-FCT, euCognition network, JAST European project, Fundação Luso-Americana de Desenvolvimento. Sponsorship: Água de Luso, Delta cafés, Vieira de Castro.

Acknowledgements: logistic support by
Escola Superior de Enfermagem da Universidade do Minho.

Invited Speakers

Nilanjan Banik (CAFS, India)
Cedric Bernardin (ENS Lyon, France)
Luiz Bevilacqua (UFABC, Brasil)
Aragão de Carvalho (FRJ, Brasil)
Stephen Coombes (Nottingham, UK)
Saber Elaydi (Trinity U., USA)
Edson de Faria (USP, Brasil)
Livio Flaminio (Lille, France)
N.E. Frangos (Athens, Greece)
Phillipe Gaussier (Cergy-Pointoise, France)
Milton Jara (U. Catholique de Louvain, Belgique)
Yunping Jiang (CUNY, USA)
D. Kravvaritis (Athens, Greece)
Ivan Kupka (Toronto, Canada)
Claudio Landim (IMPA, Brasil)
Welington de Melo (IMPA, Brasil)
Maria José Pacifico (UFRJ, Brasil)
Mauricio Peixoto (IMPA, Brasil)
Vilton Pinheiro (Salvador, Brasil)
Enrique Pujals (IMPA, Brasil)
David Rand (Warwick, UK)
Nicolas Rougier (INRIA Lorraine, France)
Gregor Schöner (Bochum, Germany)
Gunter M. Schütz (IFF Jülich, Germany)
Antônio Roberto da Silva (UFRJ, Brasil)
Sebastian Strien* (Warwick, UK)
Amie Wilkinson* (Northwestern, USA)
Si Wu (Sussex, UK)
John Wyller (Norwegian U. of Life Sciences, Norway)
Athanasios Yannakopoulos (Athens, Greece)

* To be confirmed