Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss a new Lagrangian-Eurelian approach for numerical approximation of hyperbolic conservation
laws and related Balance law problems. This new methodology is based on an improved concept of no-flow curves as recently discussed in the literature [1,2,3,6]. We analyzed fully-discrete [5] and
semi-discrete [7] schemes via a weak asymptotic analysis: convergence for the unique entropy (Kruzhkov) solution to scalar hyperbolic problems and a novel weak positive principle to the more general
case of multi-D systems in cartesian. We will discuss how new insights on the improved concepts of No-flow Curves and weak asymptotic methods are good ingredients to study phenomena of nonlinear
waves and their inherent properties: nonlinearity, wave-breaking phenomena (shocks) and unique weak-entropy solution. This method has been successfully applied for solving nontrivial (scalar and
systems) 1D and Multi-D hyperbolic problems (2D shallow water equations with variable topography, compressible Euler Flows, Orszag-Tang vortex system and a nonstrictly hyperbolic system of
conservation law with a resonance effect. We will present several numerical experiments in 1D/Multi-D (e.g., [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) aiming to discuss the theory and capabilities of the new method.
[1] A fast, robust, and simple Lagrangian-Eulerian solver for balance laws and applications. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 77(9) (2019) 2310-2336.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2018.12.019 joint work with J. Pérez.
[2] A Class of Lagrangian-Eulerian Shock-Capturing Schemes for First-Order Hyperbolic Problems with Forcing Terms. Journal of Scientific Computing 86 (2021) 14 (47 pages).
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10915-020-01392-w (joint work with V. Matos, J. Pérez and P. Bermudez-Rodriguez)
[3] A Class of Positive Semi-discrete Lagrangian-Eulerian Schemes for Multidimensional Systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. Journal of Scientific Computing, v.90 (2022), p.40 (79 pages).
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10915-021-01712-8 (joint work with J. François, W. Lambert and J. Pérez)
[4] A semi-discrete Lagrangian-Eulerian scheme for hyperbolic-transport models. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v.406 (2022), p.114011.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0377042721005963 (joint work with J. François, W. Lambert and J. Pérez)
[5] Convergence, bounded variation properties and Kruzhkov solution of a fully discrete Lagrangian-Eulerian scheme via weak asymptotic analysis for 1D hyperbolic problems. Numerical Methods for
Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 39(3) (2023) 2400-2443.
https://doi.org/10.1002/num.22972 (joint work with A. Espírito Santo, W. Lambert and J. Pérez)
[6] A Lagrangian-Eulerian Method on Regular Triangular Grids for Hyperbolic Problems: Error Estimates for the Scalar Case and a Positive Principle for Multidimensional Systems. Journal of Dynamics and
Differential Equations (2023).
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10884-023-10283-1 (joint work with J. Agudelo, W. Lambert and J. Pérez)
[7] A triangle-based positive semi-discrete Lagrangian-Eulerian scheme via the weak asymptotic method for scalar equations and systems of hyperbolic conservation laws, Journal of Computational and
Applied Mathematics, 437 (2024).
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2023.115465 (joint work with J. Agudelo and J. Pérez)