Joint Summer School of the

UC|UP, MAP-PDMA and PDMat-UA PhD Programs

University of Minho, Braga

September 9 - 13, 2019

The Summer School will take place at University of Minho, Campus of Gualtar, and is jointly organised by the UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics of the Universities of Coimbra and Porto, the PhD Program in Applied Mathematics of the Universities of Aveiro, Minho and Porto (MAP-PDMA) and the PhD Program in Mathematics of the University of Aveiro (PDMat-UA).

The Summer School will consist of three intensive courses (8h each) and sessions where the students of the three PhD programs that organize the School may present their work.


Scientific Committee

Alexandre Almeida (Univ. Aveiro), Carlos Rito (Univ. Porto), Maria Irene Falcão (Univ. Minho), Susana Moura (Univ. Coimbra).

Local Organization

Maria Irene Falcão (Univ. Minho), Fernando Miranda (Univ. Minho).

