4th Portuguese Meeting in Biomathematics

IV Encontro Português de Biomatemática

Braga - Universidade do Minho 



The 4th Portuguese Meeting in Biomathematics (4EPBM) will be held in Braga, Portugal, 7– 9 October, 2024.


It aims to bring together Mathematicians and other Researchers who are interested in models for Life and Health Sciences, and Biologists and Researchers from related areas who use Mathematics in their research works or see Mathematics as a very useful instrument for their research. 


Everyone is invited to submit a contributed talk or a poster.

Main topics:

Download and share the posters of the 4EPBM! 

2022 Lisbon

2018 Aveiro

2016 Covilhã

The conference has the support of the national funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the scope of the projects UIDB/00013/2020 and UIDP/00013/2020, of CMAT-University of Minho, and of CoSysM3 project 2022.03091.PTDC.