Raquel Menezes

Main Interest Areas
- Spatial Statistics, Geostatistics
- Environmental Applications
- Non-Parametric Estimation
- Spatial Epidemiology
- Species Distribution Modelling (Preferential project)
Work Institution
- Main Lectures / Classes
Spatio-temporal statistical modelling (MSc in
Introduction to statistics and probability (MSc in Statistics)
Lineares models and Generalized LM (MSc in Statistics)
Stochastic processes
Time series
Design of experiments
Introduction to statistics for engineering
- Contact
Tel.: +351 253510430/400
Fax: +351 253510401
Email: rmenezes (at)
Snail: Departamento de Matemática,
Universidade do Minho, Campus de Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
- Habilitation (provas
de agregação) in 'Sciences / Mathematics', Minho University, March 2021.
- PhD in 'Mathematics / Statistics', Santiago de Compostela University, December
- Postgraduate studies in 'Statistics'
(DEA-Diploma de Estudios Avanzados),
Santiago de Compostela University, September 2002.
- MSc in 'Computer Science', Minho University, June 1996.
- BSc in 'Applied Mathematics / Computer
Science', Porto University, July 1989.

Communications and assorted Readings
Publications in ISI
- A.Garcia-Agundez, O.Ojo,
H.Hernandez, C.Baquero,
D.Frey, Ch.Georgiou, M.Goessens, R.Lillo, R.Menezes, N.Nicolaou, A.Ortega, E.Stavrakis, A.Fernandez Anta (2021). Estimating the COVID- 19
Prevalence in Spain with Indirect Reporting via Open Surveys. Frontiers in Pubic Health, Apr 2021, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.658544
- A.Monteiro, R.Menezes,
M.E.Silva (2020). Modelling informative time points: an
evolutionary process approach. Test, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11749-020-00722-2.
- A.Neco, R.Menezes, S.Faria and P.Afonso (2020). Mixed-effects modelling for crossed and
nested data: an analysis of dengue fever in the state of Goiás, Brazil. Journal of Applied Statistics, vol 47,
issue 13–15, 2912–2926.
- A.Monteiro, R.Menezes
and M.E.Silva (2020). Modelling Irregularly Spaced
Time Series Under Preferential Sampling. Revstat Statistical Journal, vol 18, n 5,
- A.Monteiro, R.Menezes
and M.E.Silva (2019). Modelling preferential sampling
in time. Boletín de Estadística e Investigacíon Operativa, Novembro 2019, vol 35, n 3, 180-196. ISSN:
- L.Margalho, R.Menezes
and I.Sousa (2019). Modelling environmental
monitoring data coming from different surveys. South African Statistical
Journal, vol 53 (1), 35-54.
- G.Kelly and R.Menezes
(2018). A simulation comparison of estimators of spatial covariance
parameters and associated bootstrap percentiles. Journal of Environmental
Statistics, vol 8, issue 6, 1-21.
- D.Noy and R.Menezes
(2018). Parameter Estimation of the Linear Phase Correction Model by
Mixed-Effects Models. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, vol 84, 1-12.
- C.Oliveira, D.Martinez,
A. Al-Rjoub, L.Rebouta,
R.Menezes and L.Cunha (2018). Development of a statistical method to
help evaluating the transparency/opacity of decorative thin films. Journal
of Applied Surface Science, vol 438, 51-58.
- J.Mateu, R.M.Crujeiras, R.Menezes and F. Montes
(2017). Spatio-temporal
statistical methods in environmental and biometrical problems. Spatial
Statistics, editorial letter, vol 22, 219-224.
- A.Monteiro, R.Menezes
and M.E.Silva (2017). Modelling spatio-temporal
data with multiple seasonalities: the NO2
Portuguese case. Spatial Statistics journal, vol 22, part 2, 371-387. (DOI
- P.Garcia-Soidán and R.Menezes (2017). Non-parametric construction of probability
maps under local stationarity. Environmetrics,
vol 28, issue 3 (DOI 10.1002/env.2438).
- R.Menezes, H.Piairo, P.Garcia-Soidán and I.Sousa (2016). Spatial-temporal modellization
of the NO2 concentration data through geostatistical tools. Journal of
Statistical Methods & Applications, vol 25, issue 1, 107-124.
- H.Piairo, R.Menezes, I.Sousa, R.Figueira and C.Sergio (2014). Spatial modelling of factor
analysis scores. The case of heavy metals biomonitoring in mainland
Portugal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 21, Issue
23, pp 13420-13433.
- R.Menezes and A. Manuela
Goncalves (2014). Spatio-temporal stochastic modelling (METMAVI).
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, editorial letter,
vol 28, issue 5, 1167-1169.
- Held, L., Menezes R. and Sousa, I. (2014),
METMAVI -VIth International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Biometrical Journal,
editorial letter, 56: 361-362. doi:
- L.Margalho, R.Menezes
and I.Sousa (2014). Assessing interpolation errors
under a spatio-temporal model. Journal of
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, vol 28, issue 5,
1307-1321 (DOI 10.1007/s00477-013-0826-7).
- P.Garcia-Soidán, R.Menezes
and O.Rubinos-Lopez
(2014). Bootstrap
approaches for spatial data. Journal of Stochastic Environmental Research
and Risk, vol 28, issue 5, 1207-1219 (DOI 10.1007/s00477-013- 0808-9).
- P.Garcia-Soidán and R.Menezes (2012). Estimation of the spatial distribution
through the kernel indicator variogram. Environmetrics,
vol 23, issue 6, 535-548.
- P.Garcia-Soidán, R.Menezes
and O.Rubinos-Lopez
(2012). An
approach for valid covariance estimation via the Fourier series. Journal
of Environmental Earth Sciences. Vol 6(2), 615-624. DOI:
- C.Baquero, P.S.Almeida, R.Menezes and P.Jesus (2012). Extrema Propagation: Fast Distributed
Estimation of Sums and Network Sizes. Journal of IEEE Transactions on
Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol 23, no 4, 668-675,
- R.Menezes, P.Garcia-Soidán and C.Ferreira (2010). Nonparametric spatial
prediction under stochastic sampling design. Journal of Nonparametric
Statistics, vol 22, issue 3, 363-377.
- P.Diggle, R.Menezes
and Ting-Li Su (2010). Geostatistical Inference
under Preferential Sampling (with discussion). Journal of Royal Statistics
Society, series C, vol 59, part 2, 191-232 (RSS read paper).
- R.Menezes and J.Tawn
(2009). Assessing the effect of biased and clustered sampling on variogram
estimation. Environmetrics, vol 20, issue 4,
- R.Menezes, P.Garcia-Soidán and M.Febrero-Bande (2008). A kernel variogram estimator
for clustered data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, vol
35, issue 1, 18-37.
- R.Menezes, P.Garcia-Soidán and M.Febrero-Bande (2005). A comparison of approaches for
valid variogram achievement. Computational Statistics, 20 (4), 623-642.
Communications in Conferences or Workshops
- R.Menezes, D.Silva and I.Figueiredo (2019). Spatial approaches to estimate
Raja clavata abundance in Portuguese continental
coast. XXIV Congresso
Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, November
6-9, 2019, Amarante.
- Invited talk at the III
Portuguese-Galician Meeting of Biometry, EBio2018. University of Aveiro,
28-30 June 2018.
- Workshop on Inferential Challenges for
Large Spatio-Temporal Data Structures. Banff
International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery,
Vancouver, Canada, 3-8 Dec 2017.
- Invited talk at the 3rd conference of the
International Society for Non-Parametric Statistics. Avignon, France,
11-16 June 2016.
- Invited talk at the 8th International
Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Valencia,
Spain, 1-3 June 2016.
- Invited talk at the Statistics French
Society Conference. Lille, France, 1-5 June 2015
- Invited talk at the Workshop Spatio-Temporal Statistics. Valencia, Spain, 13-15
July 2014.
- Invited talk at the 15th Annual conference
of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences. Madrid,
Spain, 2-6 Sep 2013.
- Invited talk on 'Sampling design issues in
environmental data'. 1st Southern European Conference on Survey
Methodology (SESM), Barcelona, Spain, 12-14 December 2013 / 3rd Italian
Conference on Survey Methodology, Milan, Italy, 26-28 June 2013.
- Invited talk on 'Assessing interpolation errors
for space-time monitoring data'. 15th Annual conference of the
International Association for Mathematical Geosciences, Madrid, Spain, 2-6
September 2013.
- R. Menezes (2013). Spatial
representativeness issues in environmental monitoring networks. Congress
of Spatial Statistics 2013, Ohio University, Columbus, USA, 5-7 June.
- Invited talk on 'Sampling Design Issues in
Environmental Data'. Ecological and Environmental Statistical Modelling
Symposium, Instituto Superior de Agronomia,
Lisbon, Portugal, 11 April 2013
- Invited talk on 'Functional data analysis
applied to environmental chlorophyll bio monitoring'. 4th Iberian
Mathematical Meeting, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain, 4-6 October 2012
- Invited talk on 'Preferential Sampling in
Environmental Monitoring'. Joint Meeting of yBIS
and jSPE, Lisbon, July 23-26 2012
- R.Menezes, A.Castro, J.Arruda-Neto, J.Harari, M.Febrero-Bande (2012). Functional data analysis applied to
environmental chlorophyll bio monitoring, 8th World Congress in
Probability and Statistics, Istanbul, Turkey, 9-14 July.
- Invited talk on 'A Kernel Indicator
Variogram and its Application to Groundwater Pollution Data'. Invited
Paper Session on Stochastic modeling for water-related environmental
problems, ISI2011 Conference. Dublin, Irland,
August 2011.
- Invited talk on 'A Kernel Indicator
Variogram and its Application to Environmental Data'. Half-day Workshop on
Spatio-temporal Modelling organized by CEAUL,
Lisbon University. Lisbon, Portugal, 11 January 2011
- R.Menezes (2010). Estimacao Nao-Parametrica do Variograma
da Indicatriz, XVIII Annual
Congress of the Portuguese Society of Statistics, Sao Pedro do Sul, Portugal, September
29-October 2.
- Invited talk on 'Geostatistics,
Preferential Sampling and Environmental Monitoring'. 38th Annual Meeting
of the Statistical Society of Canada. Quebec City, Canada, May 23-26,
- Invited talk on 'Geostatistics,
Preferential sampling and Environmental Monitoring'. Workshop on
Statistical Aspects of Environmental Risk, organized by SAMSI/SPRUCE. North
Caroline, USA, April 2010.
- Before 2010

- Daniela Silva. Title of thesis: ‘Spatial
and temporal modelling of species in fisheries and environmental sciences’.
Supervisors: R.Menezes and S.Garrido.
Minho University (in progress)
- Andreia Monteiro. Title of thesis: 'Contributions
to Spatial and Temporal Modelling´. Supervisors: R.Menezes
and M.E.Silva. Minho University (concluded in
June 2019)
- Antonio Neco de Oliveira. Title of thesis:
'Modelacao por regressao
incorporando dependencia espacial e temporal'. Supervisors: S.Faria and R.Menezes. Minho
University (concluded in July 2018)
- Luis Manuel dos Santos de Melo Margalho. Title of thesis: 'Spatio-temporal modeling of environmental and health
data'. Supervisors: R.Menezes and I.Sousa. Minho University (concluded in July 2015).
- Alrenice Cunha de Castro, PhD student
from Sao Paulo University (Brazil) visiting Minho University under exchange CAPES program. Title of thesis: 'Caracterização
funcional dos dados de biomonitoramento da
produtividade biológica e temperatura da superfície do mar sobre o oceano
atlântico sul e tropical'. Local supervisor: R.Menezes (concluded in
April 2013).

- Mathematics and
Statistics Department in Lancaster University, where I have partially
developed the research work for my Doctoral thesis, under the supervision
of Prof.Peter Diggle and Prof.Jonathan
Tawn. My first visit to this Department
occurred in 2003, under an EU Marie Curie fellowship.
- Statistics
and Operational Research Department in Santiago de Compostela
University, where I have been registered as a PhD student and where my
official supervisor Prof.Manuel Febrero-Bande is a lecturer. My other official PhD
supervisor was Prof.Pilar Garcia-Soidán from Vigo University.
- Mathematics
Department in Aveiro University
- Where I have lectured Introdução à Estatística, Cálculo II and Introdução à Análise Numérica.
- With whom I have colaborated
through Geometrix project.
- TISEP - Texas
Instruments e Samsung
Electronica Portugal, where I have worked for almost 10 years.
- Mathematics Department in Lusíada
- ISTEC - Instituto Superior de Tecnologias
Avançadas do Porto.

Page creation at 1994. Last
update at April 2021.