
Papers in Journals (all refereed)

Mendes I., Ribeiro A.P., Angus L., Greenberg L.S., Sousa I., Gonçalves M.M. (2010), Narrative Change in Emotion-Focused Therapy: How is change constructed through the lens of the Innovative Moments Coding System?, Psychotherapy Research, 20 (6), 692-701

Hoefield R.A., Kalra P.A., Baker P.G., Sousa I., Diggle P.J., Gibson J.M., O'Donoghue D.J., Middleton R.J., New J.P. (2010), The use of eGFR and ACR to predict decline in renal function in people with diabetes, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfq526

Lim E., Ali A., Theodorou P., Sousa I., Ashrafian H., Chamageorgakis T., Duncan M., Diggle P. and Pepper J. (2008), A longitudinal study of the profile and predictors of left ventricular mass regression after stentless aortic valve replacement, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 85 (6), 2026-2029

Diggle P., Sousa I., Chetwynd A. (2008), Joint Modelling of Repeated Measurements and Time-to-event Outcomes: the Fourth Armitage Lecture, Statistics in Medicine, 27 (16): 2981-2998

Lim E., Ali A., Cartwright N., Sousa I., Chetwynd A., Polkey M., Geddes D., Pepper J., Diggle P. and Goldstrow P. (2006), Effect and duration of lung volume reduction surgery on pulmonary function: mid term results of the Brompton trial, The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, 54 (3):188-192

Sousa I., Chetwynd A. and Diggle P. (2005), Exploratory data analysis of longitudinal trials with staggered intervention times, Biostatistics, 6 (3): 479-485

Carvalho MS, Henderson R, Shimakura S and Sousa IPSC (2003), Survival of hemodialysis patients: modeling differences in risk of dialysis centers}, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 15 (3): 189-196

 Other Published Material

Sousa I. (2007), Contribution to Discussion of the paper by Diggle P., Farewell D. and Henderson R., Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C - Applied Statistics, 56 (5):534-536

Papers in Preparation

Joint modelling of multivariate longitudinal data and multiple time-to-event outcomes - Quality of life on epilepsy patients, Ines Sousa and Peter Diggle (in preparation).\\

Real-Time Monitoring of Progression Towards Renal Failure in Primary Care Patients, Peter Diggle and Iness Sousa (in preparation).