Non-linear stability of spinning bosonic stars

Presenting author: Nicolas Sanchis-Gual

Spherical boson and Proca stars have been extensively studied in the non-linear regime, but no numerical simulations of rotating bosonic stars have been performed. We present the first fully non-linear numerical evolutions of the fully non-linear Einstein-(complex, massive) Klein-Gordon and Einstein--(complex) Proca systems, to assess the stability of spinning bosonic stars. We address the stability of an existing star, a stationary solution of the field equations. In the scalar case, a non-axisymmetric perturbation develops collapsing the star to a spinning black hole. No such instability is found in the Proca case, where the star survives large amplitude perturbations. Our analysis suggests bosonic stars have different stability properties in the scalar/vector case, which we tentatively relate to their toroidal/ spheroidal morphology.

Oral presentation: yes. Poster: no.